Micro Batching - The future of data processing

Micro batching is an important technique by which large amounts of data are processed by breaking them into smaller batches. Benefits of Micro Batching...

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Digital Quality
Micro Batching - The future of data processing

Micro batching is a technique that can process large amounts of data in smaller batches. It has become more prevalent in recent years due to the rise of big data and the need for processing that data efficiently. This article will discuss micro batching, how it works, and why you should use it.

Why is Micro Batching important?

Micro batching has become more critical in recent years as the information age has given rise to big data. With new data being generated every day, it is becoming increasingly difficult to process that data promptly using traditional methods.

Micro batching can help alleviate this issue through data optimization, where your system can process data in smaller batches, resulting in increased efficiency and fast processing times in milliseconds.

How does it work?

Micro batching works by breaking down the data into smaller batches that can be processed more efficiently. This is done by splitting the data into a series of small, independent tasks that can be sent to a queue and processed in the order.

This allows you to take advantage of the parallel processing capabilities of modern processors.

The batch size can be anywhere from one to any upper limit set by the programmer.

A micro-batch can be processed in:

  • Time intervals - Load data after interval time, process the data, and then move on to the next interval.
  • Custom triggers - Load data by custom triggers. These can be anything from after the batch data exceeds 1 MB to once the batch contains more than ten pieces of data.

It's important to note that Micro Batching requires high-quality data to work effectively.

Benefits of Micro Batching

Top benefits to using micro batching:

  • Increased efficiency: Micro batching allows you to process the data in smaller batches, increasing workflow efficiency and faster processing times. Increased efficiency can translate to reduced costs and help you avoid overloading your servers.
  • Faster turnaround times: You can achieve shorter turnaround times for your applications by breaking down the data into smaller groups. The dataflow can be processed more quickly and does not have to wait in line for its turn. If reducing time to market is a primary goal for your projects, Adservio team of professionals can increase the speed of your digital delivery by setting up your micro batching framework.
  • Reduced load on resources: By splitting up the data into small batches, you can reduce the workloads on your resources, leading to improved performance and low latency.
  • Reduced processing time: Because the data is processed in smaller sets, it can be completed more quickly and efficiently than if it were done using a single set of data. This allows you to process larger volumes of information faster than was possible before.

Micro Batching use cases

Micro batching can be used in a variety of different situations, including:

  • Data to disk - This can be useful for applications requiring high throughput and writing data quickly.
  • Inter-thread communication - You can use micro batching to communicate between different threads to improve the performance of your system. Sending multiple messages into a queue and processing them in a batch can be more efficient than sending and processing each message individually.
  • Single-threaded server - Single-threaded servers may be able to process multiple requests using micro-batches more efficiently. By sending the requests into a queue and keeping track of which ones have been processed, you can complete them all in sequence instead of waiting for each one individually.
  • Traversal of large data structures in memory - You can use micro batching to traverse large data structures in memory, which can improve the performance of your system.

There are many different situations where micro batching can be used to improve the performance of your system.

By understanding how it works and what benefits it provides, you can ensure that you are taking advantage of its capabilities to get the most out of your data.

micro batching using with big data

Tips for successful Micro-Batching

To ensure that you get the most out of micro batching, there are a few things that you should keep in mind:

Understand what it is

Before you can put micro-batching to work, you need to understand how it works and when it will be effective.

By understanding the basics of this technique and knowing where it will help your application perform better, you can use micro batching more effectively to achieve faster processing times and increased efficiency.

Be selective

Be selective about the data that you choose to process with micro batching. Processing all of your information using this method is not always the best solution for every situation, so it's essential to think about which parts of your processing pipeline would benefit most from a change like this.

Own adequate skills

Micro-Batching may require some changes to how you do things since it will likely be new and different from what people are used to. Because of this, make sure that everyone involved in the project has been adequately trained on its proper use before beginning any work.

Potential Challenges with Micro-Batching

There are a few potential challenges that you may run into when using micro batching:

  • Complexity - The use of micro batching can add some complexity to your system, so make sure that everyone involved is aware of how it works and knows how to use it properly.
  • Debugging - Debugging a system that uses micro batching can be more complex than traditional methods, so make sure that you have adequate testing and debugging procedures in place before starting to use it. For businesses without adequate testing procedures, consider using Adservios debugging solutions, including testing automation, performance capture, and error analysis.
  • Training expenses - Because micro batching can be new and different to people, it may require additional training or instruction to use it correctly. Make sure that your team members understand the basics of this method before starting work with it so they can get the most out of its capabilities.

Despite these challenges, the benefits of using micro batching make it a valuable technique to consider for your next data processing project. With careful planning and implementation, you can take advantage of its capabilities to improve the performance of your system.

Micro Batch processing vs. Stream processing

Micro batching is similar to stream processing in that both process the data as it comes in. However, the main difference between the two is how they handle large amounts of data.

Stream processing is quickly becoming the standard for rapidly processing large amounts of data. However, because stream processing deals with real-time processing, it is not always a good solution for all cases.

Due to stream processing speed, it can be difficult to debug issues, and this is even more complicated when the data you are processing is extensive in size.

On the other hand, micro-batching is a better solution for situations where you need to process big datasets but do not require the immediacy of stream processing systems.

Micro batching allows for more intensive big data processing in a more controlled manner. By using micro batching, companies can get a deeper analysis of their data streams while promptly handling large amounts of data.

As technology continues to evolve, both stream processing and micro batching will likely play an essential part in processing data.

Which one you use will depend on the nature of your project and what works best for that particular scenario.

If you're unsure of which to use, Adservio offers big data solutions to help you decide which method is best for your project and how to implement it for maximum efficiency.


In conclusion, micro batching is a process that can help improve the performance of your applications. By breaking down your work into smaller batches, you can minimize the amount of time needed to complete each task, which can help reduce contention and improve overall throughput.

If you're looking for a way to improve the performance of your applications and wondering if micro batching is the solution for you, contact us.

Published on
February 1, 2022

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