15 min
Hyperautomation is one of the latest initiatives and one of the most discussed topics when it comes to the digital transformation and enhanced automation of organizations.
Because the core aim of hyperautomation is to reduce costs and become more resource-efficient, running without human intervention as much as is possible and is something that all organizations want to achieve.
Using the automation technology in a way to streamline any and every process which is possible and by enabling repetitive processes to run without manual intervention is what hyperautomation is all about.
In other words, more machines, performing more tasks.
It is an end-to-end automation process accomplished by harnessing the power of multiple technologies.
Hyperautomation is going above and beyond automation.
As we know automation refers to tasks that are conducted repetitively without manual intervention. It occurs on small scale, offering solutions that are designed to address more specific and individual tasks.
Whereas hyperatomation refers to the use of multiple automation tools and resources that are needed for the digital transformation.
Nowadays discussions about hyperautomation are widely spread and all giant tech companies are sharing insights regarding the benefits of using hyperautomation and so on. But one of the most trustworthy sources when it comes to technological analysis and not only is the study released by Gartner in which they placed hyperautomation as one of the top 10 strategic technology trends.
A Gartner definition of Hyperautomation is “Business-driven hyperautomation is a disciplined approach that organizations use to rapidly identify, vet and automate as many business and IT processes as possible. Hyperautomation involves the orchestrated use of multiple technologies, tools, or platforms…”
Based on their conducted survey, they showed that 85% of participants will “either increase or at least sustain their organization’s hyperautomation investments over the next 12 months, and over 56% already have more than four concurrent hyperautomation initiatives.
When it comes to hyperautomation importance, according to Gartner, it isn’t just a matter of business model optimization of organization, it is a “condition of survival” rather than “an option of survival”.
To fasten the process of wider use of hyperautomation a big contribution had the spread of pandemic as well. The overall pandemic lockdowns played a huge role in prioritizing the need for digital transformation and accelerate the adoption of hyperautomation as a crucial element for running the processes in the organization.
In order to achieve hyperautomation the Gartner says in the report that:
“Hyper automation requires selection of the right tools and technologies for the challenge at hand. Understanding the range of automation mechanisms, how they relate to one another, and how they are combined and coordinated, is a major focus for hyperautomation.”
Let see below the 4 key components of hyperautomation that every organization needs to implement. These components will help the transformation of equipment and processes of the organizations and experience the hyperautomation to occur.
Robotic process automation or as it’s known by its acronym RPA, is a software technology through which software robots are built, deployed, and managed for the purpose of emulating the human actions interacting with digital systems and software.
These software can be easily programmed to perform basic and repetitive tasks across different applications.
Through RPA, many everyday processes that human action was required are now automated. Such processes are those that were performed in a repetitive and time-consuming way of working.
AI capabilities in enhancing the service processes include; Machine learning (ML), natural language processing (NLP), intelligent optical character recognition (OCR), and AI computer vision, so robots can read, understand, and process more work.
AI helps organizations by automatically conducting time-consuming tasks such as answering basic customer questions or processing a return, recognize files and store them in a predefined place, understand the content and classify it in accordance with the substance, etc.
According to a Gartner report of 2019, they found out that “AI is a foundation catalyst for advanced process automation and human augmentation and engagement.”
Basically, the AI purpose is to create software, machines that are capable of solving problems by making decisions the same as people would make and possible with fewer errors.
According to a Gartner report of 2019, they state that “AI is a foundation catalyst for advanced process automation and human augmentation and engagement.”
The iBPMS is a set of technologies that contributes to coordinating people, machines, and other tech things (as IoT). This coordination supports traditional business process management needs and requirements.
Intelligent business process management suites (iBPMS) combine BPM (business process management) software with other additional capabilities to help organizations automate more processes from start to finish experience.
Digital businesses focus a great amount of time and energy on understanding business trends by using advanced analytics.
Advanced analytics are platforms or tools that can analyze in-depth the workflow of organization teams, and by these analyses decide which process you can refine and further automate.
Advanced analytics helps to; track, measure and prove the business outcomes delivered by automation to enable continuous growth.
As we were able to see that hyperautomation goes further with extending the automation and RPA with added technologies such as machine learning and artificial intelligence.
Benefits that hyperautomation bring to organizations:
We are facing the beginning of industrial revolution 4.0 and having this said more sophisticated technologies and automation capabilities are continuously evolving.
As an enhanced process of automation, hyperautomation is especially beneficial for organizations with operations that are a legacy of old automation technology.
Therefore, executives who want to drive innovation and transform business processes will do well to consider hyperautomation since it will be one of those big tech changes that we will be experiencing.
These organizations can see real results through digital process automation and infrastructure automation to increase connectivity, agility, or efficiency of business operations.
If you are not sure where and how to start implementing Hyperautomation into your organization reach us.
Our team of professionals will take care helping you elevate your business productivity.