7 min
As companies grow, especially in the tech space, the need to manage APIs becomes more and more critical. The problem is that managing an API isn't easy. You need to take many things into account, including security threats, scalability issues, and availability of resources.
This blog post will discuss how your company can govern your APIs without bottlenecks and without spending money on unnecessary features.
API governance is all about managing the security, scalability, and availability of your APIs. Essentially, it boils down to controlling access between different systems so you can keep an eye on who has permission to do what in regards to managing data for your business.
When done correctly, API governance provides transparency into how people are using their APIs within a company, which comes with many benefits, such as better decision-making when implementing new features, keeping track of costs, and exposing back-end information to provide more insight for customers.
All this makes API management essential nowadays because companies need complete control over their system before selling them as services.
A bottleneck is a point where something gets stuck and slows down the whole system until it grinds to a halt.
This might be due to a lack of resources like memory or processing power or because there are too many queues in place between different components.
In API governance, this term can refer to any points within your APIs that cause a slowdown when someone tries to access data from your company's systems through an API call.
When you see bottlenecks occurring during regular business hours, they need immediate attention since everyone else will be affected by these issues if they persist rather than get resolved.
When you want to govern your APIs without bottlenecks, the most important thing is that it's done in a way that doesn't overly complicate things and instead focuses on providing a good user experience.
This means making sure that everything is monitored and maintaining transparency into how people use their permissions so they can see what actions were performed by whom at any given time.
Best ways to govern your APIs without bottlenecks are:
Every user starts with a set of permissions, and if more access is needed, they need to request it from someone else.
This way, you can ensure that people only have the access levels necessary for them to do their work without changing anything on your end or having too much downtime due to maintenance.
This helps maintain transparency into how APIs are used by different teams within your company.
It also provides insight in case something goes wrong since all activity will be logged there.
Setting up rate limits means that after a certain number of requests has been reached, no other users will be able to allow further requests until a certain time has elapsed.
Monitoring APIs and maintaining transparency into what is going on while also reducing costs due to downtime and maintenance is the key to governing your APIs without bottlenecks.
Implementing good developer relations means making sure everyone knows how they can use your APIs without breaking them.
Ensure a proper level of security for all the information stored by your company within these systems.
This has an essential part in preventing unauthorized access from happening and being able to check if someone did try accessing data they shouldn't have been allowed to get their hands on.
This comes with many benefits like protecting customer privacy or avoiding costly fines resulting from non-compliance with laws related to storing personal information about clients.
API governance is necessary for a business to make sure that APIs are used in the right way.
When you have a lot of different people accessing your APIs, whether it's internal developers or clients who want to use them, you need some control over what they can do and how often they can access data from your company.
You also need to maintain transparency for usage. If there is an issue with an API, then someone takes action before too many users start complaining about not getting their work done anymore.
This makes sense because every minute employees spend dealing with issues related to faulty APIs means money loss for the company.
The last reason why API management is so essential these days is that APIs are becoming more and more competitive in the market.
This means that companies need to provide their clients with good services and quick access times when accessing data from your company's systems if you want them to come back for more.
In conclusion, you should regularly monitor your APIs for security issues and other problems that might arise from time to time.
The more transparent you are about how everything runs, the better it will be since customers can see what kind of data they need to provide to access themselves.
We hope this blog post provides some valuable insight into how to govern your APIs without bottlenecks and make sure everything is running as smoothly as possible.
If your business needs assistance with governing your APIs, contact one of our professionals.
We would love to help you apply the best practices regarding APIs.